Niels de Fraguier

Ecopreneur, Author, and Ideator in service to a Just and Regenerative Future

In service to the future

Niels de Fraguier is a young leader, ecopreneur and author committed to empowering individuals and restoring Earth systems.With a background at the intersection of empowerment, social innovation, and sustainability, he has led multiple impact initiatives supporting communities across the globe.His journey has spanned many countries around the world with the sole objective of empowering others to lead transformative change. He has worked in service to youth, women, refugees as well as many deprived communities.Committed to building a new paradigm going beyond current notions of sustainability, Niels invests all his energy in elevating human potential, building capacity and catalysing networks for change.As an active ideator and changemaker, he founded several impact initiatives in the business and civil society sectors.

'We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.'



Cartography of

From human beings, we became ‘busy beings’ running after a so-called ‘successful life’. Driven by the consumption and competition paradigm, we became strangers to ourselves and the world.As humanity unravels under mounting social and ecological pressures, Cartography of Inner Worlds provides an antidote to navigating yourself and the future we are yet to birth.This hopeful and practical guide invites us to write a new story - breaking free from harmful society’s expectations and living meaningfully.


Co-creating tomorrow

Building upon his experience working with a wide variety of businesses, NGOs, and policymakers, Niels provides his expertise in regenerative business, empowered participation, and future-fit leadership to organisations, teams, and leaders.Niels designs and proposes tools for you to imagine a radically new future fostering innovation in service to the purpose of your organisation and next generations.If you need help to foster your impact, restructure your organisation, imagine your next product or service, design participative experiences, shape better policies, or improve your leadership skills, get in touch.


The Regenerative Enterprise

The book charts a clear and actionable journey for businesses to move from a sustainable to a regenerative and equitable mindset supporting life on Earth. It is illustrated by countless examples of life’s 3.8 billion years of R&D, indigenous values, and more than 120 examples of companies leading the way.The Regenerative Enterprise has been endorsed by world leaders such as Christiana Figueres, Satish Kumar, Otto Scharmer, Frederic Laloux, Per Espen Stoknes and many renowned thought leaders.


beyond Sustainability

Niels de Fraguier has been on a multicultural adventure alongside communities worldwide for more than 10 years.Acknowledged as a young leader by international organisations such as the International Olympic Committee or the Council of Europe, he is recognised for his unique leadership skills empowering a new generation of changemakers. He believes in the power of a new story driven by equity.He is an experienced speaker with speeches, keynotes and workshops delivered to audiences ranging from UNESCO decision-makers to Council of Europe policymakers, companies' leadership teams, NGOs' leaders and field workers.He often speaks about going beyond sustainability to embrace regenerative practices, conscious leadership, and human potential.

Compass for regenerative business



Niels and his co-founder brought over 200 companies at the cutting edge of change together and connected with over 100 experts, academics, and leaders in the field.Building on their wisdom and insights, they designed the Compass for Regenerative Business and developed practical resources to support business transformation including toolkits, roadmaps, and actionable steps.

Think into the future

Ideator and designer


Niels designed this decision-making tool to inform strategic decisions in service to the generations to come. The tool supports leaders to adopt pioneering thinking in service to the future - supporting consciousness evolution.The canvas and workshop are tools to gain systemic perspectives and imagine the pathway for decision-makers to act in service to the generations ahead.

FUTUREs game card sustainability

Author and Editor


Niels conceptualised and edited this cardgame to showcase the intersection between climate, biodiversity, social justice and wellbeing. It maps the major threats as well as solutions to co-create a resilient future.FUTUREs is a game that empowers citizens to become agents of change. It can be used in different ways with an interactive card directory, as well as workshops to help citizens imagine the future.

l'ecologie pour tous

ideator and facilitator

L'écologie pour tous

Niels ideated and developed the French platform for citizens to get informed, inspired, and lead climate action with more than 500 references ranging from media, podcasts, banking alternatives to inspiring documentaries.It is an independent and voluntary-led initiative aimed at democratising access to positive environmental impact and social justice. The concept is open-source and can therefore be duplicated in various countries around the world.

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The time has come to partner

The future is calling for us to make a positive impact feeding our heads, hearts, and souls for the better. Facing old wicked problems, creativity is our best ally to birth the new.Reach out to explore together how to take your organisation to the next level.


Niels de Fraguier

Ecopreneur, auteur et idéateur au service d'un avenir équitable et régénératif

Au service du futur

Niels de Fraguier est un jeune leader, écopreneur et un auteur engagé au service de l'émancipation des individus et de la création d'un monde juste et régénératif.Avec de multiples expériences à l'intersection de l'autonomisation, de l'innovation sociale et de l'impact, Niels a dirigé de multiples initiatives qui ont permis l'émancipation d'individus vulnérables et de communautés autour du monde.Engagé dans la construction d'un nouveau paradigme allant au-delà des notions actuelles de durabilité, Niels investit toute son énergie dans l'élévation du potentiel humain, le renforcement des capacités et l'activation de réseaux pour un changement systémique.Il a parcouru de nombreux pays à travers le monde dans le but de comprendre les enjeux du monde d'aujourd'hui et de donner aux autres les moyens de construire le monde de demain.En tant qu'idéateur actif et artisan du changement, il est le fondateur de multiples initiatives.

'Nous n'héritons pas la Terre de nos ancêtres, nous l'empruntons à nos enfants.'

Proverbe Amérindien


Cartography of

D'êtres humains, nous sommes devenus des "êtres occupés" qui courent après une soi-disant "vie réussie". Poussés par le paradigme de la consommation et de la compétition, nous sommes devenus étrangers à nous-mêmes et au monde.Alors que l'humanité évolue sous l'effet de pressions sociales et écologiques croissantes, la Cartographie des mondes intérieurs offre un antidote pour naviguer en soi et vers l'avenir qu'il nous reste à mettre au monde.Ce guide pratique et plein d'espoir nous invite à écrire une nouvelle histoire - en nous libérant des attentes néfastes de la société pour vivre de manière significative.


The Regenerative Enterprise

“L’entreprise Régénérative” offre une voie visionnaire et pratique permettant aux entrepreneurs de construire des organisations tournées vers l'avenir en réponse à la crise planétaire.Le livre propose un plan d'action clair et concret permettant aux entreprises de passer d'un état d'esprit durable à un état d'esprit régénératif et équitable soutenant la vie sur Terre.Cette transition est illustrée par d’innombrables exemples des 3,8 milliards d’années de R&D de la nature, des valeurs indigènes, et par plus de 120 exemples d’entreprises qui montrent la voie.


Co-créer demain

Fort de son expérience auprès d'un large éventail d'entreprises, d'ONGs et de décideurs politiques, Niels met à la disposition des organisations, des équipes et des dirigeants son expertise en matière de pratiques régénératives, d'émancipation et de leadership adapté aux enjeux du moment.Si vous souhaitez renforcer votre impact, restructurer votre organisation, imaginer votre prochain produit ou service, concevoir des expériences participatives, élaborer de meilleures politiques ou améliorer vos compétences en matière de leadership, n'hésitez pas à nous écrire.



Depuis plus de 10 ans, Niels de Fraguier vit une aventure multiculturelle aux côtés de communautés du monde entier.Désigné comme un jeune leader par des organisations internationales telles que le Comité International Olympique ou le Conseil de l'Europe, il est reconnu pour ses compétences uniques en matière de leadership qui permettent à une nouvelle génération d'être actrice de changement.C'est un speaker expérimenté qui a prononcé des discours et animé des ateliers devant des publics allant des décideurs de l'UNESCO aux responsables politiques du Conseil de l'Europe, en passant par les équipes dirigeantes d'entreprises, les responsables d'ONG et leurs équipes sur le terrain.Niels intervient souvent sur l'opportunité d'aller au delà du développement durable pour adopter des pratiques régénératives, le leadership conscient, et le potentiel humain.

Compass regenerative business



Niels et son cofondateur Stephen Vasconcellos ont réuni plus de 200 entreprises à la pointe du changement et ont collaboré avec plus de 100 experts, universitaires et leaders dans le domaine de l'entrepreneuriat régénératif.S'appuyant sur leur expériences et leurs idées, ils ont conçu le Compass for Regenerative Business et développé des ressources pratiques pour soutenir la transformation des entreprises, notamment des boîtes à outils, des feuilles de route et des mesures concrètes.

FUTURs le jeu

Auteur et éditeur


Niels a conçu et édité le jeu de cartes pour mettre en évidence l'intersection entre le climat, la biodiversité, la justice sociale et le bien-être. Le tout en cartographiant les principales menaces ainsi que les solutions pour co-créer un avenir résilient et à la hauteur des enjeux de notre temps.FUTURs vise à permettre aux citoyens de devenir des acteurs du changement grâce à plusieurs règles, un inventaire interactif des cartes, ainsi que des ateliers pour aider les citoyens à imaginer l'avenir.

think into the future tool workshop

Créateur et designer


Niels a conçu cet outil d'aide à la décision pour éclairer les choix stratégiques au service des générations à venir. L'outil aide les dirigeants à adopter une pensée pionnière au service de l'avenir tout en soutenant la prise de conscience.Les 9 principes sont tous interconnectés, ce qui permet d'avoir une perspective systémique sur la différence que les décideurs peuvent faire en adoptant une approche à long terme.

L'écologie pour tous

Idéateur et facilitateur

L'écologie pour tous

Niels a imaginé et développé la plateforme permettant aux citoyens de s'informer, de s'inspirer et de mener des actions en faveur du climat avec plus de 500 références.Il s'agit d'une initiative indépendante et volontaire visant à démocratiser l'accès à un impact environnemental positif et à la justice sociale. Le concept est ouvert et peut donc être reproduit dans différents pays du monde.

Mis en avant par

En collaboration avec

Le temps est venu de coopérer

L'avenir nous appelle à avoir un impact positif au service du monde de demain. C'est en nourrissant nos esprits, nos cœurs et nos âmes d'expériences nouvelles que nous arriverons à faire des crises actuelles un succès collectif.Il n'y a jamais eu de meilleur moment pour unir nos forces alors contactez-nous pour échanger.


Cartography of

From human beings, we became ‘busy beings’ running after a so-called ‘successful life’.Driven by the psychopathic paradigm of consumption and competition, we became strangers to ourselves and the world.As humanity unravels under mounting social and ecological pressures, Cartography of Inner Worlds provides an antidote to navigating yourself and the future we are yet to birth.This hopeful and practical guide invites us to write a new story - breaking free from harmful society’s expectations and living meaningfully.



What if we could live true to ourselves and in service to generations to come?On the eve of a world metamorphosis, we have the opportunity to reinvent the meaning of our lives.An existence where self-awareness, relationships, empathy and compassion can be at the centre of our attention.Through real-life stories, accessible ideas, and practical inquiries, Cartography of Inner Worlds demonstrates that another way is not only desirable but possible.The book provides a safe space to explore our identities to be in right relationship with self, others and the world.

The Regenerative Enterprise


10 empowering insights

Cartography of Inner Worlds is an inspiring journey that will empower you to:→ Investigate the influence of your past→ Understand your multiple identities→ Identify your main needs→ Find your place in the world→ Recognise your biases and privileges

The Regenerative Enterprise

→ Navigate complexity and uncertainty→ Make space for yourself→ Stand for your values and ideals→ Create a desirable future with othersBe yourselfAnd most importantly, how to implement these new perspectives in your life.


A practical book
of hope and action

Cartography of Inner Worlds invites you to navigate through self-discovery, travel the many realities, and sail towards a flourishing future.The book will take you on an exploratory path combining lived experiences, practical tools, and inspirational inquiries to broaden your life's horizons.Drawing on lived experiences and actionable insights, the book invites us to discover new parts of our identities, open up original perspectives, and be part of the change we want to see in the world.

The book is structured into three main parts:Part 1: Self-Introspection
Explore your true self by diving into your past, leveraging your present and preparing for the future.
Part 2: Making sense of the world
Navigate your place on Earth by understanding your biases, recognise your privileges, and widen your perspectives.
Part 3: Leading from the future
Expand your leadership by standing for your values, sharing your ideals, and co-creating a prosperous future for all.

first reviews


"Mind-opening book for anyone wanting to explore the deepest meaning of life."

"A gentle psychotherapy to spread to a better version of yourself."

"An inspiring and actionable manual for life."

The Regenerative Enterprise


Niels de Fraguier

Deeply affected by his childhood, Niels has been on a journey of inquiring, healing, and serving. The book summarises his main insights as a commitment to empower fellow human beings to reclaim their inner power and thrive.On his journey spanning across many countries, he has explored the rich tapestry of human diversity and invests his energy in empowering individuals to create a more equitable, joyful, and meaningful world.This book illuminates the insights collected on his journey giving life to a new self oriented towards others.

The Regenerative Enterprise

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book launch

Cartography of Inner Worlds will be released in November 2024.We invite you to sign up to be notified when it will be available.

The Regenerative Enterprise

Empowering Potential: Unleashing Transformative Change through Regenerative Business and Leadership

In today's rapidly changing world, the need for sustainable and regenerative solutions has never been greater. As we face unprecedented challenges, it is essential to empower individuals and organisations to lead the transformation towards a thriving and resilient future. Enter Niels de Fraguier, a young leader, ecopreneur, and author dedicated to empowering individuals and restoring Earth systems. With a background in empowerment, social innovation, and sustainability, Niels is committed to building a new paradigm that transcends current notions of sustainability and unlocks the full potential of human capacity.Niels' journey as a changemaker has taken him across the globe, working in service to youth, women, refugees, and numerous underprivileged communities. His mission is to empower others to lead transformative change, and his experience spans a wide variety of businesses, NGOs, and policymakers. As an active ideator and founder of several impact initiatives in the business and civil society sectors, Niels brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.Through his consultancy, Empowering Potential, Niels provides guidance and support to organisations, teams, and leaders seeking to create a lasting, positive impact. His areas of expertise include regenerative business, empowered participation, and future-fit leadership. By designing and proposing innovative tools, Niels helps clients imagine a radically new future that fosters innovation in service to their purpose and the well-being of future generations.Regenerative Business: Transforming Organisations for a Sustainable FutureAt the core of Empowering Potential's services is the concept of regenerative business. This approach goes beyond traditional sustainability practices, focusing on creating resilient, adaptive, and restorative systems that benefit both the organisation and the environment. By integrating regenerative principles into their operations, businesses can enhance their profitability while contributing to the restoration of Earth's ecosystems.Niels works closely with organisations to assess their current practices and identify opportunities for transformation. This may involve restructuring the organisation, developing new products or services, or improving decision-making processes. With his guidance, businesses can successfully navigate the transition to a regenerative model, ensuring their long-term success and sustainability.Empowered Participation: Unlocking the Power of Collective ActionAn essential aspect of Niels' work is the promotion of empowered participation. By engaging stakeholders in meaningful ways, organisations can tap into the collective wisdom and creativity of their communities. This collaborative approach leads to more innovative solutions and fosters a sense of shared ownership and commitment to the organisation's mission.Niels assists clients in designing participative experiences that engage stakeholders at every level, from employees and customers to partners and policymakers. By involving these diverse perspectives, organisations can make better-informed decisions and create more impactful and resilient strategies.Future-Fit Leadership: Developing the Skills for a Changing WorldIn order to navigate the complex challenges of the 21st century, leaders must be equipped with the skills and mindset necessary to drive transformative change. Niels is passionate about helping leaders develop their capacities to lead with purpose, empathy, and resilience. Through workshops, coaching, and mentoring, he supports leaders in honing their skills and embracing a future-fit leadership style.By working with Niels and Empowering Potential, organisations and leaders can unlock their full potential and create a lasting, positive impact on the world. With his expertise in regenerative business, empowered participation, and future-fit leadership, Niels is an invaluable partner in the journey towards a thriving and resilient future. Reach out to Empowering Potential today and take the first step towards transforming your organisation and unleashing the power of change.